Help, help, help!

Although what I was waiting for? I knew, that at morning my mother would give me a white shirt, because at school on my birthday I have to be well-dressed. My parents will congratulate me, but they would not gıve all the gifts at once, I have to wait till the evening. I was taking to school with me candies to give to everybody. The teacher at the beginning of the first lesson reported the class that I had a birthday today and did not worry me then, and did not cause me to the board.
второй абзац
Спасибо огромное! 
Mogu popytat'sia perevesti, no tol'ko ne mogu sama poniat' iz russkogo texta, VES' TEXT eto ego vospominaniya, to est' eto vse bylo kogda-to davno ili posle pervogo predlojeniya idet ego TEPERESHNEE SOSTOYANIE, i to chto on jdet seichas?Pervyi abzats perevela tak chto eto vospominaniya. <!--[if gte mso 9]><xml> </xml><![endif]--> I remembered how, when I was a child, I used to anticipate my birthday and could not get to sleep for a long time.  My heart would not quieten; it beat loudly and quickly from nervousness. I would toss and turn, and tell myself to go to sleep, realising that as soon as I fell asleep tomorrow would come.  In that I had to fall asleep and my birthday would be here. But I couldn’t go to sleep because I thought about it so hard, I would toss and turn, sigh loudly, or lie quietly and listen to the silence in the other rooms, to the ticking of the clock and the sounds of the rarely passing cars.  How I looked forward to my birthday!
Спасибо Вам огромное!!!! Да, это всё воспоминания, весь текст
Izvinite, bol'she ne uspela perevesti. Kak sestra, s ostal'nym spravilas'?
Ну что Вы, и так спасибо большое! Остальное, вроде как, списала - не знаю, насколько там было правильно:)
только увидела запись. утром как встану попробую перевести немного. 
Спасибо большое Вам!
Прошу помощи с переводом визитки!! я реально никогда стихи не переводила!помогите!